I joined to get an invite for BDJBOX Beauty Soiree and Passion Series
only to found out that they share the same date!!!
Oh nuerr!!!
so with a little prayer on the side I asked God to give the best invite for me .
if it's the beauty soiree, yeah! for make up workshop!
and if passion series... ahem why not? I'll be #weddingready for 2016 :) #renewal
Im excited too cause this is my first bdj passion series event to attend :)
so here's what happened earlier...
Venue: Strip and Browhaus 4th floor, Greenbelt 5

Hosted by: Jasmine Mendiola
dahil maaga pa... #selfie muna :)

Announcement of Winners | Bouquets from Artwine and Teddy Manuel
from Jasmine Mendiola's instagram invite contest for soon to be married bellas.
Some of the Sponsors
Games | Bridal Charades
first time for me joining BDJ Games and...
Our team won!!! :) | Prize from BrowHaus
Free Upper Lip Threading

1st Talk: Happily Hair-Free Ever After 1st talk from BrowHaus

continuation of the 1st talk | about BrowRessurection 2.0 and 2.4
pwede din sa boys! :D

2nd Talk: DIY Bridal Look Sealed with a Kiss!
by: Jasmine Mendiola MakeUp

Jasmine Mendiola MakeUp HandOuts

The TRUE Story: Great Makeup starts with Great Skin.

The TRUE Story Regimen : Cleansing, Exfoliation and Hydration.
Products from L'Occitane
The TRUE Story Regimen: Toning, Protection and Hydration
Products from L'Occitane

The Flawless Face

The Flawless Face
Products from Laura Mercier

Bonne Mine Stick Face Color from Laura Mercier
Stila Sweet Treats Bronzing Powder
Stila Wet to Set Eye Shadow Trio
Stila Lip Glaze
Stila High Shine Liquid Vinyl Eye Liner
DIY MakeUp by Jasmine Mendiola

Snacks: Garlic Toast, Calamari and Lasagna from Itallianis
Undergarments: learn the basics, Wacoal Philippines
they taught us the proper ways to wear bra, different types of undergarments,
which type is best for a specific outfits etc...
and that's it!
a fun/informative filled with lots of learning and goodies event :D
with Jelly and Lala -nice meeting you bellas @>;-;--
will update this soon for the goodies I got to take home :)
see you on the next BDJ Events :)
Its been so long since I attended a BDJ event, I wish I could meet you there soon!