Australian Embassy launched "Now in Season" event at Sofitel Manila
Quality, Safe and Healthy
"With the growing awareness and demand for healthy and clean food options, more and more people are looking to Australia as a source of high quality, healthy and safe produce” Ambassador Tweddell
Recently, Australian Ambassador Bill Twedell launched the "Now in Season 2015" to officially announced the availability of Australian grapes, pears and stonefruit in the Philippines.
Australia’s fruit industry is renowned for its world-class safety standards, including its innovative traceability systems. “This means that each batch of fruit can be tracked from the farm, to the packing house, and then on the ship during its voyage to the Philippines”, Senior Trade Commissioner Weymouth explained.
Filipinos can enjoy a variety of grapes, pears and stonefruits (such as peaches, nectarines and plums) at their favourite supermarkets and grocery stores, such as Robinsons, Rustan’s, S&R and Shopwise.
At the launch, visiting Australian chef Tim Hollands highlighted that the fruits can be enjoyed simply as a healthy and delicious snack, or used as an ingredient in a range of sweet and savoury recipes. Grapes, pears and stonefruits have many nutritional benefits: they are packed with vitamins A, C and E; have low GI; and are a great source of dietary fibre and phytonutrients.
‘Now in Season 2015’, is a fresh produce retail promotion that will run in April and May in local supermarket chains in the Philippines, Thailand and Malaysia. -
Summerfruit Australia Limited (SAL) is the industry voice for the betterment of the Summerfruit production for fresh apricots, nectarines, peaches and plums. It represents the interest of the Summerfruit industry on a national and international basis.
SAL is a communications channel, a lobby group, a provider of technical information and promoter of Summerfruit as a healthy nutritious fruit.
Approximately 700 growers nationally produced over 100,00 metric tons and currently export 13,000 metric tons to over 20 world destinations, principally Hong Kong, South East Asian regions-Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines to name a few. Victorian regional centers of Swan Hill, Woorinen Goulburn Valley and Cobram are renown for producing over 65% of the national production.
Australia has 3 recognized pest free areas namely Tasmania, South Australia Riverland and the Greater Sunraysia area of North Western Victoria. Strict regulations by Australian Government Biosecurity Department ensure that no pest and disease of concerns are either exported or imported from/to Australia.
Summerfruit Australia:
The Australian Table Grape Association Inc (ATGA) is the peak industry body representing commercial table grape growers from across the country.
The ATGA employs a professional Chief Executive Officer to act as a focal point for communications and coordination within the industry.
The Executive is led by a Chairman with delegates from each state and territory that produce table grapes. Executive positions allow for one delegate per 8% of production, with a minimum of one for each state/territory.
Growers pay a levy of one cent per kilogram for table grapes produced in Australia which is payable at the first point of sale. The funds are collected by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) Levies Revenue Service (LRS) on behalf of the industry.
Australian Table Grapes Association:
Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL) is the peak industry body representing commercial apple and pear growers in Australia. APAL is charged with providing leadership, support and additional resources to drive key industry initiatives, which meet the goals of the industry strategic plan, (New Horizons 2015: Apple and Pear Industry Plan).
As an investment advisor, APAL provides advice to Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) with regard to the expenditure of research and marketing levies paid by each apple and pear grower in Australia. APAL plays a key role in setting the direction of the investment of research, development and marketing funds raised through the levy system. Through the Industry Advisory Committee (IAC), and its subcommittees, APAL provides industry advice on initiatives and strategies to advance the Australian apple and pear industry both domestically and internationally.
APAL also works closely with the industry to provide growers with essential tools and market opportunities to assist industry growth and increase the competitiveness of Australian apple and pear growers. APAL provides a number of services including:
Managing the delivery of extension activities and industry communications to help improve grower and supply chain business decision-making that will enhance day-to-day operations;
Providing variety evaluation and propagule certification; and
Assisting the development of potential export markets to help foster an export culture within the industry.
These activities are funded through the apple and pear grower levies that include voluntary contributions from industry with matched funding from the Australian Government for all research and development activities. These funds and activities are administered through HAL in close association with APAL.
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd.:
Cocktails and Wine
Now in Season Fruit Basket
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